Alaska airlines initiates Hawai’i advisory board

Monday, January 29, 2024


Alaska Airlines

In a bid to further foster strong ties with local Hawai’i communities, Alaska Airlines has officially introduced the Hawaiʻi Community Advisory Board (HICAB). This board is designed to bolster Alaska’s ongoing dedication to developing a genuine and profound understanding of Hawai’i’s people and culture, particularly as the airline collaborates with Hawaiian Airlines. The establishment of HICAB pays homage to the legacy and importance of the cherished brand, reinforcing Alaska’s expanded role in Hawai’i.

Alaska Airlines CEO, Ben Minicucci, highlighted the airline’s longstanding commitment to community engagement, citing the existence of a Community Advisory Board in Alaska for over four decades. He emphasized the invaluable exchange of ideas and information that has kept the airline deeply connected to communities in both Alaska and Hawai’i, regions uniquely reliant on air travel. Recognizing their 16-year service in Hawai’i, Minicucci expressed the airline’s eagerness to learn more and fulfill a lasting responsibility to the people of Hawai’i.

Comprising 16 members, the HICAB represents Alaska Airlines guests in Hawai’i with diversity in gender, ethnicity, and industry sector, including non-profit, education, healthcare, business, tourism, and agriculture. The board ensures geographic diversity by including members from each of the main Hawaiian Islands, serving staggered terms of two or three years. Acting as a corporate and community sounding board, HICAB will provide feedback and recommendations on Alaska’s business strategies, initiatives, local events, and community investment needs.

The inaugural HICAB members include individuals from various sectors, such as Paula Akana, Nāʻalehu Anthony, Todd Apo, Rosie Davis, Stephanie Donoho, Art Gladstone, Hōkūlani Holt, Stephanie Iona, Meli James, Valerie Janikowski, Kūhiō Lewis, Colbert Matsumoto, Ben Rafter, Trisha Kēhaulani Watson-Sproat, Jayson Watts, and Kūhaʻo Zane. According to Daniel Chun, Alaska Airlines Regional Vice President, Hawai’i, the HICAB is poised to play a crucial role in shaping the future of Alaska Airlines in Hawai’i. He emphasized that the insights provided by the board regarding local community needs and preferences will guide decision-making, ensuring that services and initiatives resonate with Hawaiʻi residents and foster sustainable growth.

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