News Pick

Russia jamming GPS signal, Finland shuts down flights

Finnair said flights can still land without GPS as Russia has been accused of jamming GPS signals of commercial flights travelling across the Baltic region

News Pick

Why Emirates is shifting its hub to Al Maktoum International Airport ?

Dubai announces a $34.85 billion expansion of Al Maktoum International, aiming to handle 260 million passengers annually, positioning it as the future world’s busiest airport.

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How to take precaution during heatwave to avoid heatstroke?

There are millions in South and Southeast Asia are enduring a severe heatwave exacerbated by El Niño, leading to record temperatures and public health crises. Schools across the Philippines have halted in-person classes amid widespread drought affecting agriculture.

News Pick

New Zealand launches Business Events’ Strategic Direction 2035

New Zealand’s business events sector has united in a collaborative effort to launch Pīata Mai, a national statement of strategic direction outlining a focused vision for the industry over the next decade.

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Vietjet expands international network eyeing 27 million passengers in 2024

In Q1/2024, Vietjet’s air transport revenue was recorded at VND17.76 trillion (approx. US$701.13 million), while after-tax profit was VND520 billion (approx. US$20.5 million), increasing by 38% and 209% YoY respectively.

News Pick

GBTA commits to drive innovations that transform business travel

Discover how the GBTA Foundation is revolutionizing global business travel with initiatives that promote sustainability and societal benefits. The 2023 Progress Report highlights key advancements and the collaborative efforts that are shaping the future of the industry.



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